Hip Flexor Tightness

The iliopsoas muscle is the strongest hip flexor! This tough hip flexor can get out of sorts, especially on mamas who sit for work and/or like to hang out in an anterior pelvic tilt (ass out). Pregnancy and postpartum postures often leave this area exposed. Usually the tightness is caused by weakness of the hip flexor and hamstring muscles. Strength is KEY. If you don’t have strong hip flexors, this muscle will tighten up to try to create stability. First you want to gain mobility in the hip, then restrengthen. 

Hip flexor stretch: 

  1. In a lunge position, use your hands under your butt check and push your leg straight forward, do a light contraction of your butt cheek

  2. Pelvic clock- need the range and control of pelvis motion 

Pregnancy hip flexor exercises: 

  1. Place a circle band around your feet and alternate marching your legs up towards the ceiling

  2. Sit and place two dumbbells upright at your feet, lift your leg up and over the DB

Postpartum hip flexor exercises: 

  1. Hip flexor lunge pulling across the floor

  2. Bridges with circle band around foot and march 

  3. Stability ball roll ups

RDLs for strengthening for all. 

Check out our videos below for full instructions/demonstrations:


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