Running Program
A safe and personalized plan to hit the ground running.
Are you wondering “How do I safely re-enter running?” or “I want to run but I have no idea where to start!”
We’ve made it easier with the Expecting and Empowered App.
Running Assessment + 12 Week Return To Running Program
The perfect pairing to help you get back to running, injury free.
Running Assessment
We’ve brought a physical therapy session straight to your phone with a running assessment to evaluate your body’s readiness to return to running. Anyone who takes the assessment will get a personalized readiness score and a tailored exercise plan for your areas of work. This will make sure your body is ready to run safely!
The 12-Week Return to Running Program
Whether you're postpartum, it's been a while since you've last run, or you’re brand new to running - this is your roadmap to a safe and healthy starting point.
Program Format
The 12 week program consists of audio guided runs. These workouts are progressive- meaning they build on each other and get harder as they go with two workouts each week for the entirety of the plan.
Already a runner but want to switch it up? Perfect. We’ve got running workouts you can take at any time ranging from beginner to advanced level.
Meet the Instructors
Amy Kiefer
Run with Amy for inspiring and upbeat runs that will encourage you to be the best version of yourself.
Krystle Howald
Running alongside Krystle will have you laughing and feeling motivated to reach your running goals.
Abby Green
Join Abby for calm, empowering runs that will leave you feeling like you can take on the world.

All running programs are included in all app subscriptions!
Praise for the Running Program