7 Essential Wellness Tips for Busy Moms

Being a mom can simultaneously be the most amazing AND the hardest thing we’ll ever do.  It can be incredibly rewarding AND it comes with its fair share of challenges. Juggling between caring for your children, managing the household, and possibly even pursuing a career can leave you feeling overwhelmed and neglecting your own well-being. It’s a lot. And we get it - because we are right there with you. 

Both of us have our own businesses, our three kids, our partners, friends and family.. We are pulled in a million different directions.

However, we both know and value our personal well-being. Because we’ve experienced what has happened when we put that on the backend. 

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, and is so important for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

In this blog post, we'll explore seven essential wellness tips that can help busy moms prioritize self-care and lead a healthier, more balanced life.

Prioritize Quality Sleep:

Getting enough sleep is vital for your overall well-being. While it might seem impossible with a baby or young children, finding ways to improve the quality of your sleep can make a significant difference. Establish a soothing bedtime routine, create a sleep-friendly environment, and consider taking turns with your partner to handle nighttime responsibilities. Remember, a well-rested mom is better equipped to handle the demands of the day.

Nourish Your Body:

We hear a lot from our community that it can be hard to focus on your nutrition during this season of life. Coming up with healthy meals.. It can be overwhelming!

However, a well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall health. We’ve got a great podcast episode #2 with Registered Dietitian Brooke Miller who talks about fueling yourself postpartum that is a great listen if you’re looking for more information.

We also have Kate Eskuri on episode #34 sharing some tangible breakfast ideas and the importance of incorporating protein into your diet. 

In general, you want to opt for nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. A great way to make sure you’re getting the food you need is to plan and prep meals in advance, and don't forget to stay hydrated throughout the day. Remember, nourishing your body is a form of self-care..

Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine:

Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and increase your energy levels. Find creative ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, such as going for walks with your children, practicing yoga during nap time, or joining a mommy-and-me fitness class. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to reap the benefits.

Even better, download the Expecting and Empowered App. This app is made by us, specifically designed to fit into a busy moms schedule with workouts taking just 30 minutes. We take one thing off your full plate with exercise plans to meet you exactly where you are in motherhood, and follow you week by week. All you have to do is hit play and know you’re doing the best thing for your physical and mental health.

Seek Support and Delegate:

Remember that you don't have to do it all alone. Reach out to your support system, whether it's your partner, family members, or trusted friends. Delegate tasks and ask for help when needed. Are there things you’re doing that could be outsourced - such as cleaning? Or meal services? Are there tasks that you’re doing that your partner could help with?

On Episode #9 we sit down with Rachel & Stacey of Decoding Couples to discuss navigating parenthood with your partner. They talk through ways to have healthy communication with your partner about your needs and sharing of responsibilities. 

Sharing responsibilities can lighten your load and provide much-needed time for self-care activities. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance—it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care:

Make self-care a priority in your daily routine. Find moments throughout the day to practice mindfulness and engage in activities that bring you joy. This can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, meditating, enjoying a hot cup of tea, or reading a book. Schedule regular "me time" and honor it as you would any other important appointment. Remember, taking care of yourself allows you to better care for others.

Connect with Other Moms:

Building a community of like-minded moms can be immensely helpful for your well-being. Join local parenting groups, attend support groups, or engage with online communities - such as our Expecting and Empowered App or Instagram! We have found some of the kindest, most supporting moms in this group who truly want to help each other out during this challenging season.

It can be really intimidating sometimes to find other mom friends. A story I love to tell is that sometimes, you just have to put yourself out there! When my first son, Max, was in daycare, as one year old his daycare teacher would tell me about Max and another little boy named Andy who would just babble to each other during nap time each day. They were little buddies and seemed to really get along at that young age. So one day, I put a note into Andy’s cubby at daycare inviting his parents to come over for dinner sometime since our boys seemed to be becoming buddies! And to this day, they are some of our very closest friends! 

Connecting with other moms who understand the challenges and joys of motherhood can provide emotional support, share valuable tips, and help combat feelings of isolation.

Embrace Imperfection and Practice Self-Compassion:

Motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs. It's important to remember that you're doing the best you can. Embrace imperfections, let go of the pressure for perfection, and practice self-compassion. Give yourself credit for the small victories and learn from the challenges. Remember, you are enough just as you are. This is hard because it IS hard. 

We hope a few of these tips resonated with you as you navigate through motherhood!

Tell us in the comments if any of these spoke to you or what you would add.


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