E + E Podcast Episode 64: Helping Moms Sleep One Feeding At A Time With @Babysettler
Listen to Episode 64
“Honestly, I just wish moms knew that feeding was such a big piece of the puzzle when it comes to baby sleep. It’s hard like some moms just don’t get that correlation because of what they’re hearing from either their pediatricians or social media. And I worry I feel like many moms are set up to feel like they’re maybe doing something wrong or that something is wrong with their baby because they aren’t sleeping and really the reality is that they are just missing a big piece of the puzzle”
The creator behind the Instagram account @babysettler, Hillary Sadler is a labor and delivery nurse, feeding specialist, and mom of 4. She also is the author of the book “Babies Made Simple”, a roadmap to the baby stage! Hillary fills the information gap between your OB’s office and baby’s pediatrician. She gives evidence-based guidance to new moms, as she would to any friend, without the high cost burden you’d incur in a traditional healthcare setting.
Well fed babies sleep better, so Hillary is on a mission to make sure all new mamas understand the connection between feedings and sleep. There is evidence showing that if mom can get at least one REM cycle of sleep during the night, it can positively impact maternal mental health. In order to get that sleep, Hillary tells us how we can identify if our babies are getting an effective and full feeding.
Following a routine can help babies and parents. Every baby is different though, so Hillary emphasizes the difference between a strict schedule versus a routine. She dives into example routines, ways to set the environment up for quality sleep, and a new perspective of splitting your 24 hour day into different time chunks. If your baby goes to daycare, sometimes your child’s daytime routine is out of your control, which can lead to an overtired baby in the evening. Hillary explains how to use the “5 S’s” to console that sweet little one. Lots of families are using the Snoo bassinet because of its built-in soothing capabilities, but does Hillary approve of this coveted baby item? Listen and find out her opinion!
If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would love it if you could share it to your Instagram stories and tag us, @babysettler and @expectingandempowered. As we like to say, knowledge is power, and we just really want to give more people the information that they may need on their postpartum journey!
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