E + E Podcast Episode 79: Why a High Pain Tolerance Alone Won't Get You the Unmedicated Birth That You're Hoping for w/ @alifeinlabor

Listen to Episode 79



On the podcast today, we are happy to have Heather Knezic! Heather is a Labor & Delivery nurse, wife, mom of 3, birth educator and founder of A Life In Labor who has helped thousands of women achieve their most empowered birth experience. This episode is an open and honest conversation about having the goal of an unmedicated birth. We recognize and honor that this is not everyone’s goal or choice when making their birth plan - all births are beautiful! But if this is your goal, we want you to have all the information you need to accomplish your goal of an unmedicated birth. With Heather’s experience helping people birth unmedicated as an L&D nurse, her personal experience having had 3 births, and her passion for sharing empowering information to other women, she was the perfect person to bring on today’s episode for this conversation! Heather shares with us that preparation and mindset work are everything when it comes to preparing for an unmedicated birth. We answer several of YOUR questions with Heather and also walk you through tips of how to manage each stage of labor to get to the goal of your unmedicated birth and to holding your baby!

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would love it if you could share it to your Instagram stories and tag us, @alifeinlabor and @expectingandempowered. As we like to say, knowledge is power, and we just really want to give more people the information that they may need on their childbirth journey!


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Heather’s Website

Heather’s Podcast, The Labor Room

Exclusive Free Download of Heather’s “Enjoy Your Birth" Ebook and $100 off Heather’s Empowered Birth Academy with code ‘EANDEPOD’


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