E + E Podcast Episode 81: All Things Sleep: Mom Edition with Sleep Dr. Shelby
Listen to Episode 81
As moms of young babies and children, we focus so much on their sleep. Baby sleep is so important for growth and development. But why isn’t the sleep of the mother more talked about? Today on the podcast, Dr. Shelby Harris, a Board Certified Sleep Psychologist and mother, is here to help us dissect sleep as a mom. There are so many different influencing factors that go into how we sleep at night like having a newborn, stress and anxiety, and sleep diagnoses like insomnia, just to name a few. Dr. Shelby is walking us through some tangible steps we can take to not only increase our amount of sleep, but increase the quality of our sleep too! Dr. Shelby also helps us find the balance of getting our rest we need while also living life and having fun at a night out with girlfriends or staying up late to watch a movie with your spouse. You may have been enticed by the promise of sleep by the many sleep aids on the market like melatonin and magnesium. We get the expert opinion on if you should utilize these in your sleep routine, or steer clear!
If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would love it if you could share it to your Instagram stories and tag us, @sleepdocshelby and @expectingandempowered. As we like to say, knowledge is power, and we just really want to give more people the information that they may need on their motherhood journey!
Follow Dr. Shelby on Instagram
Dr. Shelby’s Website
Order Dr Shelby’s Book; “The Women’s Guide to Overcoming Insomnia”
Preorder her upcoming book; “The Essential Guide to Children’s Sleep”
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