E + E Podcast Episode 74: Understanding Provider Lingo During Birth with @myessentialbirth

Listen to Episode 74



Today we are happy to host Stephanie King from My Essential Birth (@myessentialbirth), a mother, childbirth educator, and doula. After experiencing several unexpected changes leading up to the births of her children, Stephanie was inspired to get educated on the birthing process so she could inform and educate pregnant mothers to trust their bodies and feel empowered during their pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum journeys. We really feel like our missions align, so we are excited to have this conversation with Stephanie today about the medical terminology our providers use and how this can help you construct your birth plan, know when to speak up and be your best advocate, and better process your birthing experience. Instead of feeling like a deer in the headlights when hearing terms like “VBAC” or “primigravida”, we want you to leave this episode with new knowledge that will make you feel empowered and informed when you work collaboratively with your provider to birth that baby!

If you enjoyed listening to this episode, we would love it if you could share it to your Instagram stories and tag us, @myessentialbirth and @expectingandempowered. As we like to say, knowledge is power, and we just really want to give more people the information that they may need on their childbirth journey!

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Stephanie’s Website

Stephanie’s Podcast - Pregnancy and Birth Made Easy


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E + E Podcast Episode 75: The C-section Scar Tissue Mobilization Episode (Includes Our Most Downloaded Resource EVER)!


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