Work Work Work - Example Workouts

Exercise can be a great way to reduce stress. Here are a few sample workouts to keep you moving during this crazy time. All of the guides are a progression so the secret sauce is doing them in the proper sequence. But we wanted you to have access to some workouts and a sneak peak at the guides if you are interested in purchasing!

There are a lot of common ailments women suffer from during pregnancy and postpartum. Pregnancy ailments include: headache, carpal tunnel, round ligament pain, sciatica, calf cramps, low back pain, and pubic symphsis pain. Postpartum ailments included: mom wrist (DeQuervain’s), sciatica, painful sex, low back pain, pubic symphsis pain, hip tenderness/pain, tailbone pain. The guide has many rehabilitative exercises snuck in to help with these ailments. You don’t even know you are doing them because you just feel like you are getting a killer workout in!

Each workout in the guide is laid out with a flexibility section, pelvic floor/core restoration section, and a strength section. The strength section should be repeated three times through. Here are some things that each guide focuses on.

1st Trimester Workouts:

  • During the 1st trimester we are doing some major foundational work! We are trying to prep your body for what is about to come. We really work on strengthening your abdominal wall because as it expands we don’t want to put too much pressure on it. If you haven’t worked on your pelvic floor and deep hip strengthening this is the time to do it.

  • It also includes a lot of total body movements to keep your body coordinated.

  • The first trimester of pregnancy can be full of different emotions. Excitement, nervousness about the viability of the pregnancy, worry about how your body will change, etc. Working out BOOSTS your confidence and your mood! This can be incredibly beneficial in the first trimester as your body hits that awkward point of, "Is she pregnant? OR just gaining weight?" It will help YOU feel better about your changing and growing body. 

2nd Trimester Workouts:

  • We would recommend not wasting the "golden trimester". It is a great time to get your workouts in to prepare your body for the demands of the third trimester, labor and delivery and mom life. 

  • Many modifications are added to the workouts due to the fluctuations in pregnancy hormones and the changes that are starting to occur to your body. Such as cutting out lunges, jumping or ballistic activity, and exercises that create excessive tension on the abdominal wall.

3rd Trimester Workouts:

  • Diastasis recti (splitting of the abdominal wall) is normal during pregnancy. But this can be MINIMIZED a lot if we do the right things.

  • We are really starting to prep you for the main event that is closely approaching. The reps increase to increase your endurance and to get you ready for labor and delivery.

  • These workouts are also training you to be a mama - working on muscles you will need to care for your infant.

Postpartum: Healing your body after baby starts day one. What you do to recover can have long term effects. Weeks 1-5 of the guide are not exercises but rather ways of reconnecting with your body. We want you to have a slow progression back. The Postpartum Guide workouts put a large emphasis on the following:

  • Symmetrical to asymmetrical

  • Scapular muscles

  • Hip muscles- so we don’t see that shifting when the mama is holding babies. 

  • Progression: Body weight squats to DB squats to one side weighted squats, 3 direction chair lunges

Cardio: We suggest two workouts of your week to be cardio. Click here for pregnancy cardio suggestions and here for postpartum cardio suggestions.

You can purchase all of the guides here.


Labor and Delivery: Positioning Modifications for Pain


The Week by Week Challenge